2021 Florecemos Mix

custom live vinyl spell by DJ MAHEALANI

One gift I wanted to bestow on the first Florecemos: Nonprofit Leadership Circle was the gift of music in my life. Music inspires me, drives me, carries me through the deepest of grief and the highest of joy. My dear friend and homegirl @djmahealani has been a gift and source of all of that and more in my life and she created this live vinyl mix for the first Florecemos Circle. It hit so perfectly! I originally envisioned a high energy mix, but what she ended up manifesting was on point and what we all need in life! That balance- yin/yang, dark/light, moon/sun. And even though it’s for Florecemos, I offer this gift to everyone here. We are all on that path of Growth, Support, Healing, Liberation. Enjoy!