Pause Rest Reflect Realign

page from Heal, Beloved coloring book by Embody Create Heal

I spent an extended weekend camping with some friends in March, and it was exactly what I needed—time in nature with people I trust. I now know this is one way to help me pause, rest, reflect, and realign. 

When I take this time I usually return recharged and ready to move with life in a way that is realigned with where I am at that moment.

The time we take to get to these moments is important, but more important than scheduling and taking the time, is creating the right conditions to truly rest. And, that’s what I want to talk about. 

How do you create the right conditions to truly pause, rest, reflect, and realign? 

I offer some considerations for when you are committing to taking this time for yourself with that goal in mind.

What do you enjoy doing? What brings you back to yourself? What lights you up? What calms you?

  • Consider nature—beautiful scenery, quiet places, bodies of water, getting your hands in some dirt
  • Consider incorporating embodied movement—hiking, walking, swimming, breath work, stretching 
  • Consider incorporating creative expression—writing/journaling, dancing, singing, painting, making art with your hands, playing an instrument
  • Consider what brings you joy—laughing, playing, exploring

Who can help support you during this time? Who do you trust to care for you? Who do you trust to give you what you need? Who can provide you with space and understanding?

Sometimes it takes us a while to release the obligations and stress of our lives, and as our body tries to feel safe to do so, we will sometimes have moments. We will respond to relatively small stressors in what appears to be a disproportionate way. Suddenly, our time is ruined because we forgot something or we are off schedule or a miscommunication happens. 

Plan to be with people who know you and what you need in these moments. They may need to reassure you or give you space to figure it out or just do the thing for you. You may also need to be completely alone, and that’s ok too. 

Who shouldn’t be around you during this time? If you are a caretaker, consider spending time away from the people or things that you usually care for. 

  • Who can relieve you of the caregiving that you are typically responsible for? Call them in even if it’s for one night, one day, or even half a day.

This might be especially difficult and you may have guilt. That’s ok. You may feel like you don’t get to spend enough fun or relaxing time with those you care for and you should take any extra time to do that. It’s true it is probably just as important to spend time outside of caretaking with those folks in your life, but your own time alone is just as important. A more rested and realigned you allows you to show up better for all your responsibilities including the people you care for. If you want to pause, rest, reflect, and realign, you need to take time for yourself. But if you are not ready to step away or it’s not the right time, that’s ok too.   

Once you plan for this time try to be ok with whatever emerges. 

Trust it is exactly what you needed. Know that there are most likely benefits (clarity, rest, integration) that you are not even aware of—sometimes this comes days or even weeks later. 

Consider making this time to pause, rest, reflect, and realign a regular practice.

This may be monthly or quarterly or biannually. Use your calendar or the changing of the seasons to remind you. If you skip a planned practice, that’s ok. You’ll come back to it when you are ready.

I hope that these questions and reminders serve you well as you plan and develop this practice. I wish you all the resources you desire and need to make this practice all that you hope for and deserve. Know that I can be a resource to you as you make this commitment for yourself. 

Sending lots of love and big hugs,

Bianca 🌼