Leading with Joy Book Discussion

Bianca is hosting a book discussion of Leading with Joy: Practices for Uncertain Times by Akaya Windwood and Rajasvini Bhansali on Tuesday, December 6, 4-6pm CT so that we can continue to learn and explore liberatory leadership in community. You can register here for free to receive the zoom link.

There are so many nuggets of wisdom and truth in Leading with Joy and much of it is so aligned with the discussions and lessons from Florecemos: Nonprofit Leadership Circle. It is written in short vignettes with reflection questions at the end of each section. Perfect for the reader that wants short spurts of insight.

So, if December 6th rolls around and you are not finished with the book, please don’t feel like you can’t join! It’s not that kind of party. During our book discussion we’ll be sharing insight, asking questions, and hearing and learning from each other. You can benefit and participate fully whether you’ve finished the book or not because this is really about being together to discuss our observations and learnings in offering different approaches to leadership.