What have we been up to?

We’ve been quiet with our posts, but busy, busy, busy. Florecemos sigue floreciendo. We continue to flourish, blossom, and bloom.

In June 2021, we heard from Rajasvini Bhansali of Solidaire Network about how she is looking at philanthropy’s relationship to community, moving money quickly without getting bogged down with the proposals and reports of traditional philanthropy, and providing multi-year, general operating funds. She reminded us not to accept anything less than we deserve, and to take the long view and not get caught up in urgency and crises, leaving us hopeful for our organizations and movements.

June Circle with Vini

In July 2021, we heard from Gera Marin of Yolpaki Coaching & Consulting. We talked about self-empathy and rebelling from the stories we’ve been told about ourselves. He invited us into re-membering that the power, vision, and answers are already inside of us. We practiced using movement, breath, and guided visualization to connect with and honor our Neli or our truth which he reminded us is emergent and ever-changing.

July Circle with Gera.

 In August 2021, we postponed our planned in-person retreat, but came together and decided to keep meeting and supporting each other monthly. Circle member Carmen Llanes is showing the care package that folks received that month.

We continue to meet monthly and explore tools (like Venn Diagrams) to understand what our Freedom Work could look like through the Florecemos Circle, building off the work we did in August with Elisa Diana Huerta. We are so grateful to share this journey together and are looking forward to our in-person retreat in April 2022!